Inverse Blending Demo

A standalone simplified version of our inverse blending method for motion parameterization is available here. The package comes with example datasets collected as part of our past HCC NSF project. The current version is preliminary, and additional motion data (and code updates) will be coming soon. Available here.

Triangulation-Based Path Planners

No longer available.

STIK: Swing-Twist Inverse Kinematics

A new implementation of the analytical IK directly solving for swing-twist joints and with collision and limits avoidance. Available here.

SIG Toolkit - our current software platform

Most of the software developed to support our research work is being integrated in the new project SIG, now available under the Apache License Version 2.

New: SPM module included in SIG!

Check also our recently launched SIG forum.

P.S. SIG is replacing our old platform graphsim, which is no longer maintained.