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Mentar Mahmudi, PhD

EECS, School of Engineering
University of California, Merced
5200 N. Lake Rd, Merced, CA 95343

Tel: (209) 756-7221
E-mail: mmahmudi (at) ucmerced (dot) edu

I have moved to EPFL. Please follow my current page here.


My research interests are in robotics, artificial intelligence and computer graphics. My main research focus is on developing data-driven human-like motion planning algorithms for computer animation. I am also particularly interested in applying humanlike motions to humanoid robots.

I received my PhD in EECS from UC Merced. The title of my dissertation is: "Multi-Modal Planning for Humanlike Motion Synthesis using Motion Capture". Prior to coming to UC Merced, I received a B.Sc. degree also in EECS from Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany.


  • M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Multi-Modal Data-Driven Motion Planning and Synthesis" (to appear), In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Motion In Games (MIG), Paris, France, 2015. [paper] [video]

  • M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Analyzing Locomotion Synthesis with Feature-Based Motion Graphs", IEEE Transactions in Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Vol. 19, Issue 5, May, 2013. [paper] [project] [video]

  • M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Precomputed Motion Maps for Unstructured Motion Capture", Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012. [paper] [project] [video]

  • M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Feature-Based Locomotion with Inverse Branch Kinematics", In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Motion In Games (MIG), Edinburgh, UK, 2011. (Best Paper Award) [paper] [project] [video]

  • M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Fast Path Following using Motion Graphs", Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and Games (I3D), poster paper, 2008. [paper] [poster] [bibtex] [acm]

  • Y. Huang, M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Planning Humanlike Actions in Blending Spaces", International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, USA, 2011. [paper] [project] [video]

  • M. Kallmann, Y. Huang, M. Mahmudi, "Humanlike Motion Planning", IROS Workshop on Progress and Open Problems in Motion Planning, poster presentation, 2011. [abstract]

  • M. Mahmudi, S. Markov, Y. Nevatia, R. Rathnam, T. Stoyanov, S. Carpin, "Virtual IUB - development of a team of autonomous agents for the Virtual Robots Competition", SRMED, 2006. [paper]

  • Y. Nevatia, M. Mahmudi, S. Markov, R. Rathnam, T. Stoyanov, S. Carpin, "Virtual-IUB: The 2006 IUB Virtual Robots TTeam", Proc. Int. RoboCup Symposium 6, 2006.[paper]

Computational Biology
  • C. Goulart, M. Mahmudi, S. D. Jacobs, K. Crona, M. Kallmann, B. G. Hall, D. Greene, M. Barlow, "Designing antibiotic cycling strategies by determining and understanding local adaptive landscapes", PLOS ONE, Vol. 2, Issue 8, February, 2013. [paper] [bibtex] [plosone]

  • K. Crona, D. Patterson, K. Stack, D. Greene, C. Goulart, M. Mahmudi, S. D. Jacobs, M. Kallman, M. Barlow, "Antibiotic resistance landscapes: a quantification of theory-data incompatibility for fitness landscapes", arXiv preprint. [paper]

Mentar Mahmudi
Last Modified 11/11/2015 21:33:12 (UTC)