Mentar Mahmudi, PhD
EECS, School of Engineering
University of California, Merced
5200 N. Lake Rd, Merced, CA 95343
Tel: (209) 756-7221
E-mail: mmahmudi (at) ucmerced (dot) edu
I have moved to EPFL. Please follow my current page here.
My research interests are in robotics, artificial intelligence and computer graphics. My main
research focus is on developing data-driven human-like motion planning algorithms for computer
animation. I am also particularly interested in applying humanlike motions to humanoid robots.
I received my PhD in EECS from UC Merced.
The title of my dissertation is: "Multi-Modal Planning for
Humanlike Motion Synthesis using Motion Capture". Prior to coming to UC Merced, I received a
B.Sc. degree also in EECS from Jacobs University
in Bremen, Germany.
M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Multi-Modal Data-Driven Motion Planning and Synthesis" (to appear),
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Motion In Games (MIG), Paris, France, 2015.
M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Analyzing Locomotion Synthesis with Feature-Based Motion Graphs",
IEEE Transactions in Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Vol. 19, Issue 5, May, 2013.
M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Precomputed Motion Maps for Unstructured Motion Capture",
Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012.
M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Feature-Based Locomotion with Inverse Branch Kinematics",
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Motion In Games (MIG), Edinburgh, UK, 2011.
(Best Paper Award)
M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Fast Path Following using Motion Graphs",
Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and Games (I3D), poster paper, 2008.
Y. Huang, M. Mahmudi, M. Kallmann, "Planning Humanlike Actions in Blending Spaces",
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, USA, 2011.
M. Kallmann, Y. Huang, M. Mahmudi, "Humanlike Motion Planning",
IROS Workshop on Progress and Open Problems in Motion Planning, poster presentation, 2011.
M. Mahmudi, S. Markov, Y. Nevatia, R. Rathnam, T. Stoyanov, S. Carpin,
"Virtual IUB - development of a team of autonomous agents for the Virtual Robots Competition", SRMED, 2006.
Y. Nevatia, M. Mahmudi, S. Markov, R. Rathnam, T. Stoyanov, S. Carpin,
"Virtual-IUB: The 2006 IUB Virtual Robots TTeam",
Proc. Int. RoboCup Symposium 6, 2006.[paper]
Computational Biology
C. Goulart, M. Mahmudi, S. D. Jacobs, K. Crona, M. Kallmann, B. G. Hall, D. Greene, M. Barlow,
"Designing antibiotic cycling strategies by determining and understanding local adaptive landscapes",
PLOS ONE, Vol. 2, Issue 8, February, 2013.
K. Crona, D. Patterson, K. Stack, D. Greene, C. Goulart, M. Mahmudi, S. D. Jacobs, M. Kallman, M. Barlow,
"Antibiotic resistance landscapes: a quantification of theory-data incompatibility for fitness landscapes", arXiv preprint.
Mentar Mahmudi
Last Modified 11/11/2015 21:33:12 (UTC)