Publications: | |||
Simulating Shear Thickening Fluids Oktar Ozgen, Eric Brown and Marcelo Kallmann Under review |
Simulating Colliding Flows with Fractional Derivatives Oktar Ozgen, Selcuk Sumengen, Marcelo Kallmann, Carlos FM Coimbra and Selim Balcisoy Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW), 2013 |
Directional Constraint Enforcement for Fast Cloth Simulation Oktar Ozgen and Marcelo Kallmann The Fourth International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG), 2011 Project Page |
Underwater Cloth Simulation with Fractional Derivatives Oktar Ozgen, Marcelo Kallmann, Lynnete ES Ramirez and Carlos FM Coimbra Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 29-3, presented at SIGGRAPH, 2010 Project Page |
Effects of Different Constraint Enforcement Methods for Verlet Integration in Cloth Simulation Oktar Ozgen and Marcelo Kallmann Poster Presentation at the Cognitive Animation Workshop, 2008 Project Page | |||