





Participation as Speaker

The deadline for submiting abstracts has passed and the final program is now being finalized. Please contact the organizers for any queries about last minute possibilities for participating as speaker.

Call for Contributions

Cognitive Animation Workshop
Tenaya Lodge - Yosemite National Park - June 4,5 2008

More and more scientists are seeking ways to create
realistic animated characters that can simulate human
movement and interact with the environment autonomously
and naturally. In the past decade, computer scientists and
engineers have made tremendous advances in the areas of 
humanoid robotics and character animation. Likewise, 
cognitive scientists have notable advances in human 
animation, especially the brain functions that drive motor
control and motion perception. The Cognitive Animation 
Workshop is a forum bringing together leading scientists in
the domain of humanoid animation and their applications.

We invite submissions of 1-page abstracts for participation
at the workshop in two possible categories: (1) 25 minutes
talk, or (2) poster or demo presentation.

Submissions should be prepared as a 1-page pdf abstract 
stating the topic of the work to be presented and the 
desired category of participation. The authors names and
affiliations should be included. Submissions should be sent
by email to: mkallmann(at)ucmerced(dot)edu. More information at
the workshop website: http://graphics.ucmerced.edu/coganim/

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 7, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: April 18, 2008
Workshop Dates: June 4 and 5, 2008

Demetri Terzopoulos - University of California, Los Angeles
Norman Badler - University of Pennsylvania 
Dana Ballard - Univerity of Texas at Austin
Bobby Bodenheimer - Vanderbilt University
Victor Zordan - University of California, Riverside
Dom Massaro - University of California, Santa Cruz
Jeremy Bailenson - Stanford University
James Davis - University of California, Santa Cruz
Jonathan Winawer - Stanford University
Craig Reynolds - Sony Computer Entertainment
Ambarish Goswami - Honda Research
Michael Spivey - University of California, Merced

Marcelo Kallmann, UC Merced
Teenie Matlock, UC Merced
Shawn Newsam, UC Merced
Petros Faloutsos, UCLA