The panel lead by Prof. Michael Spivey will discuss any emerging 
themes that might become prominent throughout the meeting and also 
encourage discussions around three key questions:

1) What are the most promising areas of research for achieving truly 
autonomous agents?
2) What are the specific industry opportunities and applications that 
can help develop the technology?
3) What can research on virtual human agents teach cognitive scientists?

Confirmed Panelists:
Dana Ballard
Norm Badler
Demetri Terzopoulos
Jeremy Bailenson
Bobby Bodenheimer

Michael J. Spivey is former director of the Cognitive Science Program 
at Cornell University, and now Professor of Cognitive Science at the 
University of California , Merced.  Spivey earned a B.A. in 
Psychology at UC Santa Cruz, and a Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive 
Sciences at the University of Rochester.  His research uses 
eye-tracking, reach-tracking, and attractor networks to understand 
how the human mind performs real-time integration of vision and 
language.  He is the author of The Continuity of Mind.